Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Deadline Clarifications

I hope the first week back has been going well for you. Here at school it's been terrific! Kids are working hard...they really hit the ground running.

I wanted to clarify some deadlines so you're aware of what needs to be worked on:

* Fantasy stories are due FRIDAY. These must be finished and typed in Google Docs. We've been working on them in school for a loooong time, and it's time to finish up.

*ALL slice of life stories must be done by FRIDAY! The minimum number of stories is 25.

*POW will be due Friday. It will come home today.

*CAMP MONEY (cash or money order only) is due January 27. That's 2 weeks from Friday!

Also, I want to remind all chaperones that we need your money on that day, too and we need all your paperwork and background checks ASAP!!!


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