Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Homework Deadlines

As I mentioned earlier this week, I'm temporarily suspending the Slice of Life writing assignment. Instead, students will be required to complete their Reading Letter over the weekend. Prior to now, these letters were written every week or so. Students write about the books they are currently reading. From now on, these letters will be due every Monday.

Please look over these letters each week. Each letter should have 3 paragraphs, with each paragraph having at least 5 sentences. (Although if you want to "encourage" your child to write more paragraphs or sentences, I would definitely support that). The letter is supposed to be about their thinking, so it's NOT supposed to be a retelling of their story. They should write about what's on their mind while they read.

Please note: Book-in-a-Bag logs are still due Mondays, but students do NOT have to do the back of the sheet anymore.

Another change will be with the Problem of the Week. The POW will now be due every MONDAY, as well. This week's problem of the week will be sent home Thursday. There WILL be a write-up portion of the POW every week from now on.

Here's a video I made in class yesterday that will help with part of the POW this week. I made it using our new SMARTBoard!

I may or may not be throwing other things into the homework mix from week to week, as well.

I will say, though, that the third trimester Exhibition, also known as the "Gateway Exhibition," is almost completely project based and will require more work than they've ever had to do in my class. :)

Of course, since it's Exhibition season once again, there's ALWAYS work to be done. Students should be working on their Interest Project regularly. AND gathering info for their Virtual Field Trip. Need more than that? Have them log on to the Online Book Club and post a poem or two.

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